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We are the Planemos 


It began more then 3 years ago, in a small basement - just friends coming together to play music. Eventually it evolved into our wonderful band

named The Planemos. Since then, as we grew, changed and started preforming, we decided to start a special long-term project - the making of our 

album “Cigarette Break”. 


We knew this wouldn’t be just any album. “Cigarette Break” was recorded for a period of more then 2 years and we grew alongside it. Each song was

born in a different time, with a different us. We changed as we recorded each and every song. Once we were done, our album became a reflection

of who we were, are, and will be. Each song became a time capsule, capturing a certain period of our private history. We look back on it now, see 

our former selves and we couldn’t be prouder. This long journey that we took together, changed us as musicians and today we are who we are 

thanks to this album. 


We hope you will all enjoy “Cigarette Break” and we officially welcome you to our family of music, love, and friendship. 

We are the Planemos. 

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